Friday, August 22, 2014

ILWU Update

Dear All,

Negotiations between the PMA and the ILWU are continuing  - topics remain
focused on healthcare at this time, with all operational and jurisdictional
issues still to be discussed.  While it may seem that the negotiations are
moving nowhere fast, we are reminded that the progress of these negotiations
are not that dissimilar from that of 2008 and 2002. 

All West Coast marine terminals remain operational with only relatively
minor local troubles which are not part of any negotiating pressure directed
by the ILWU leadership.  The one big exception is at Oakland where the local
leadership is taking matters into their own hands, causing disruptions to
further their own cause, taking advantage of the industry’s inability to
arbitrate these job actions.  PMA is closely monitoring ILWU job actions in
Oakland and is working through numerous channels to minimize the impact.
 Nevertheless, it is likely that the troubles in Oakland will continue to
disrupt operations and that operations could further deteriorate in the
weeks ahead.   We will continue to monitor and advise on this matter under
separate emails to the relevant parties.

Have a good rest of your week.

Bill Marston
Service Shipping Inc.
1550 E Higgins Road, Suite 108
Elk Grove Village IL 60007
Office: 847-427-1775
Fax: 847-427-1790